A Word to the Wise


What's Good For You?
Do you know what's good for you in life? asked the old sage.
There was a time when I thought I did.
But really, you do not know what is best for you, do you?
When the whole idea of my will and God's, is all boiled down, I reckon I would not have a clue. What I want may not be what God wants, at all.
That's it in a nutshell, he points out. We can only do our best in life, with the things God has given us.
Our prayers will always be answered by God, but the answer may not be as we request - simply because we do not always know what is good for us.
Yes, we can say that what is best for us is God's Will, but we do not always know His Will.
It is to man's good fortune then, that we have The Church to guide us in life. It makes sense therefore that The Church has to be infallible.
You're right again, old sage.


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